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App Challenge

Bera facetiming with winner

(2020 Congressional App Winner, Arush Pogulakonda. Click here to view his winning app.)

Each year, I'm proud to have my office take part in the annual Congressional App Challenge. This is a great opportunity for qualifying middle school and high school students from Sacramento County to demonstrate their outstanding coding abilities.

1.    Winning apps are eligible to be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building and featured on the House of Representatives' website,

2.    Winning students are invited to #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington D.C.

3.    Additional sponsor prizes TBA!

Each student or group of students who enter must follow all rules and regulations, which can be found here:

Submission Requirements: 

1.    Registration Form (found on

2.    Application Elements

a.     Name of your app

b.    The coding language used to create the app

c.     Purpose: explain your app’s purpose in ONE sentence

d.    Inspiration: What inspired you to create this app?

e.     Tell us about a technical/coding difficulty you faced in programming your app, and explain your solution.

f.     What still needs to be improved about your app?

3.    Demonstration Video

a.     Students must create a 1-3 minute video showcasing what your app does and how it works.

b.    The video must be uploaded onto a public site like YouTube or Vimeo, and set to public so the judge can view them.

c.     Video Requirements: 
Tell us your name(s) and the name of your app.
Clearly explain the purpose of the app.
Explain who your app is intended for.
Tell us what tools and coding languages you used to create your app. 
Show us how your app is used. This constitutes the entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to the official rules.

4.    Exit Questionnaire

a.     A mandatory and anonymous exit questionnaire will be e-mailed to all students after the submission period closes.

Additional Information:

  • The Submission Deadline is October 24, 2024. 
  • All applications must be the ORIGINAL work of eligible middle or high school students who reside or attend school within the 7th congressional district
  • Students can participate as an individual or with a team of up to four
  • Any programming language can be used (i.e. C++, JavaScript, Python, Block Code, etc.)
  • Any platform can be used (i.e. PC, web, tablet, mobile, etc.)
  • For More Complete Rules Go To:
  • If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call my office at (916) 635-0505 or reach out to Josh Gumacal ( and Ivanna Pincilotti ( 

Good luck to all participants!