Our region has a number of community organizations that offer resources to help local residents with things ranging from job training, to housing assistance, to starting a business, and much more. A list of some of these community organizations is below. You can also always contact my local office at (916) 635-0505 for help.
Job Training
- Sacramento Employment and Training Agency: https://seta.net/
925 Del Paso Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 263-3800
7000 Franklin Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95823
(916) 262-3200
- Sacramento Works: https://sacramentoworks.org/
The Sacramento Works job center and training center system provides resources and services to employers and job seekers in Sacramento County.
- Center for Employment Training: https://cetweb.org/for-students/locations/sacramento-ca/
8376 Fruitridge Road
Sacramento, CA 95828
(916) 393-7401
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Housing Assistance
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Health Services
Fruitridge Health Center: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/centerDetails.asp?f=2198
5385 Franklin Blvd., Suite A-D
Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 452-7305
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- Legal Services of Northern California: https://about.lsnc.net/
Provides legal services to empower the poor to identify and defeat the causes and effects of poverty within our community.
515 12th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 551-2150
- Voluntary Legal Services Program of Northern California: https://www.vlsp.org/
Voluntary Legal Services Program is a volunteer-based "pro bono" legal aid program that provides free assistance with civil legal matters to low income clients living in the Sacramento region. You may call them at (916) 551-2102.
- Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento Legal Services Referral Listing: https://www.saccourt.ca.gov/general/legal-referral.aspx
- Sacramento County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service: https://www.sacbarlawyer.org/
(916) 564-6707
- California Indian Legal Services: https://www.calindian.org/
117 J Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 978-0960
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Chambers of Commerce
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