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Press Release

Bera comments on Ryan budget

Today, Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. released the following statement about the House Republican budget proposal:

“Both Republicans and Democrats need to work together to put the American people before politics and negotiate a responsible budget that addresses our fiscal challenges while making important investments in our economy. That’s why I support the No Budget No Pay Act, which says if Congress doesn’t do its job and pass a responsible budget, they don’t get paid. The extreme and divisive budget Congressman Ryan released today, however, is completely partisan and represents all the wrong priorities. It would hurt middle class families, cost us jobs and break the promise of Medicare that we’ve made to our seniors, all to protect millionaires and billionaires and corporations that ship jobs overseas. Instead, we need to work together and find common ground to strengthen and protect Medicare and Social Security, and invest in innovation, education, and manufacturing to create new American jobs. We also need to address our debt and deficit so that our children aren’t buried under a mountain of debt.”

Earlier this year, Bera voted for a bipartisan budget agreement for the 2014 fiscal year. One of Bera’s first acts in Congress was to help lead the effort to pass a version of the No Budget No Pay Act, which says if member of Congress don’t pass a budget, they don’t get paid. He is also a co-sponsor of a stronger and permanent version of the bill.

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. represents Sacramento County. Born and raised in California, Bera is a physician and the only Indian American currently serving in Congress. He’s fighting to rebuild an economy that works for middle class families and to reduce our country’s debt in a responsible way. As a leader of the No Labels' Problem Solvers, he’s working with people from both parties to find bipartisan solutions to our nation’s challenges. He and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their daughter Sydra. For more updates on Rep. Bera follow @RepBera on Twitter, like Congressman Bera on Facebook, or visit