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Press Release

Bera keeps promise, votes to prohibit pay increase for Members of Congress

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. joined a bipartisan majority in Congress earlier today in approving the fiscal year 2015 Legislative Branch Appropriations bill. The bill prohibits Members of Congress from receiving a pay increase. He made the following comment:

"I made an oath to Sacramento County families that I would refuse a pay increase until unemployment in Sacramento County is below five percent. Building an economy that works for middle class families is my top priority in Congress, and I will continue to keep my promise and work to bring jobs to our region by improving our infrastructure, investing in innovation and education, and supporting small businesses."

Since being elected to Congress, Bera has voted to block pay increases for Members of Congress on several occasions. Has has also co-sponsored and helped pass a version of the No budget, No Pay Act, and refused his Congressional pension.

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. represents Sacramento County. Born and raised in California, Bera is a physician and the only Indian American currently serving in Congress. He's fighting to rebuild an economy that works for middle class families and to reduce our country's debt in a responsible way. One of Bera's first acts in Congress was to help lead the effort to pass the No Budget No Pay Act, which says if members of Congress don't pass a budget, they don't get paid. As a leader of the No Labels' Problem Solvers, he's working with people from both parties to find bipartisan solutions to our nation's challenges. He and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their daughter Sydra. For more updates on Rep. Bera follow @RepBera on Twitter, like Congressman Bera on Facebook, or visit