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Press Release

Bera, New Democrat Coalition unveil American Prosperity Agenda

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. and the 46-member New Democrat Coalition today unveiled the American Prosperity Agenda, a comprehensive policy document aimed at fostering a new era of middle-class prosperity in the United States. The document, which is the first in the nearly 18-year history of the Coalition, seeks to "seize the opportunities of a new economy" with the best policies drawn from the left, right, and center.

"Many Sacramento County families are still struggling as we climb out of the worst recession of our lifetimes," said Bera. "We need to rebuild an economy that works for everyone to make sure that all families share in the economic growth of our country. These are not just Democratic priorities; they're principles that people from all across the political spectrum should be able to get behind. The American people want Congress to work together towards goals like these, and I was pleased to join my colleagues in the New Democrat Coalition to introduce this important agenda today."

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The Agenda's overall aim of middle-class prosperity rests on three core priorities: growing the economy in every town and city, giving everyone a shot at the American Dream, and making government work for the middle class. It encourages lawmakers to reauthorize legislation targeted at fostering innovation in the United States, pass comprehensive immigration reform, fix America's tax code, promote a free and open internet, and aggressively pursue export opportunities throughout the globe.

Bera has represented Sacramento County in Congress since 2013. Born and raised in California, he is a physician and the only Indian American currently serving in Congress. He's fighting to rebuild an economy that works for middle class families and to reduce our country's debt in a responsible way. One of Bera's first acts in Congress was to help lead the effort to pass the No Budget No Pay Act, which says if members of Congress don't pass a budget, they don't get paid. As a leader of the No Labels' Problem Solvers, he's working with people from both parties to find bipartisan solutions to our nation's challenges. He and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their daughter Sydra. For more updates on Rep. Bera follow @RepBera on Twitter, like Congressman Bera on Facebook, or visit