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Press Release

Bera Highlights Budget Compromise, Calls for More Bipartisanship

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. voted to support the bipartisan budget agreement to help prevent another government shutdown and ensure economic stability:

"Core to our job as members of Congress is passing a budget. That's why the first bill I introduced and helped pass when I came to Congress was the No Budget No Pay bill that says that if lawmakers don't pass a budget they shouldn't get paid. Today's budget agreement is a positive step forward and although it is not perfect, it will help millions of Americans and strengthen our economy.

"This budget agreement will create more than 340,000 jobs in 2016, protect millions from a spike in Medicare costs, cut down on fraud and abuse within Social Security Disability Insurance while ensuring the program's long-term solvency, and it will restore economic stability by raising the debt ceiling. This agreement will also limit the harmful, across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration, which leaves thousands of seniors, children, and veterans without critical nutrition, after-school, job training, and housing programs.

"Americans want Congress to get things done and I am pleased we were able to come together and pass a budget today. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to find areas of agreement and pass legislation."
