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Press Release

Bera Statement on Government Funding Bill

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. made the following statement after voting for the tax credit and government funding bills.

"This package represents a true compromise that will not only keep the government open, but for the first time in two years it will lift harmful spending caps and increase investment in programs that families and businesses rely on to get ahead. The package includes permanent tax credits that support working families, make college more affordable, and help small businesses grow. It also fully funds upgrades to Folsom Dam to increase safety and storage.

"The package encourages innovation by increasing funding for critical research into cures for some of our most pressing diseases at the National Institutes of Health. I'm also happy my proposal to reduce health insurance premiums was included in the package. And, in the midst of a prescription drug epidemic, I'm glad to see an increase in funding to address prescription drug abuse.

"Several important issues were left out of this package, including measures to address California's drought. I'm also disappointed that lawmakers did not take the opportunity to lift the ban on research into gun violence at the Centers for Disease Control. We must do more to keep our communities safe.

"At a time when too many families and businesses in my district are still struggling, this spending package includes multiple measures to help keeps millions out of poverty and grow our economy. I'm glad members from both parties were able to come together and pass this bill to provide stability and support to hardworking Americans."

Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. represents Sacramento County. Born and raised in California, Bera is a physician and the only Indian American currently serving in Congress. He's fighting to rebuild an economy that works for middle class families and to reduce our country's debt in a responsible way. One of Bera's first acts in Congress was to help lead the effort to pass the No Budget No Pay Act, which says if members of Congress don't pass a budget, they don't get paid. As a leader of the No Labels' Problem Solvers, he's working with people from both parties to find bipartisan solutions to our nation's challenges. He and his wife Janine live in Elk Grove with their daughter Sydra. For more updates on Rep. Bera follow @RepBera on Twitter, like Congressman Bera on Facebook, or visit
