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Press Release

Rep. Ami Bera Accepts the International Franchise Association's 2017 Small Business Award

Small Business Champion Release

Congressman Ami Bera accepted the International Franchise Association's (IFA) 2017 Franchise Small Business Award last week for his support of the small business community. Rep. Bera was recognized for championing local franchises and businesses, as well as his leadership on smart policies that promote economic growth and job creation.

"Owning a small business is part of the American Dream," said Rep. Bera. "If you work hard and play by the rules, everyone should have the opportunity to get ahead. I've seen how hard small business owners work in Sacramento County and we need to support them every way we can. Thank you to the International Franchise Association for this award. I look forward to working together to continue improving Congress' support for small business."

"Congressman Bera has proven to be steadfast advocate who ensures small businesses are protected in his district and across the country," said IFA President and CEO Robert Cresanti. "Franchise businesses are the small business backbone of our economy and hugely important to their local communities. They create a significant portion of our nation's jobs, give aspiring entrepreneurs a unique and guided path to business ownership, and even sponsor local teams and charitable events. On behalf of the 733,000 franchise businesses across the country and the 7.6 million people they employ, the IFA is proud to recognize Congressman Bera today."

Rep. Bera is committed to supporting Sacramento County's vibrant small business community by fighting for common-sense tax relief, reducing burdensome regulation, and ensuring that government is a strategic partner for growth – not an obstacle. His office can also connect local businesses with resources they can use to grow and hire. For more information on Sacramento County's small businesses, visit /helpforbusinesses.
