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Press Release

Rep. Bera Votes for George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

Rep. Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA) today voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a comprehensive law enforcement reform package that will hold police accountable, change the culture of law enforcement, and build trust between law enforcement and our communities.

"Like Americans across the country, I was horrified by the murder of George Floyd. His death – and the deaths of others at the hands of police brutality - should never have happened," said Representative Bera. "Thousands of Americans of different ages and races have marched across the country and in our hometown of Sacramento to demand justice for Mr. Floyd's death and for structural change to a criminal justice system that disproportionately impacts Black Americans. We have a long way to go to reach full justice and racial equality, but today's vote is an important first step."

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act will:

  • Ban chokeholds;
  • Ban no-knock warrants in drug cases;
  • Limit the transfer of military-grade equipment to state and local law enforcement;
  • Mandate training on racial, religious, and discriminatory profiling for all law enforcement;
  • Reform the qualified immunity doctrine that is a barrier to holding police officers accountable for wrongful conduct;
  • Establish a National Police Misconduct Registry to improve transparency and prevent problematic officers who are fired or leave one agency, from moving to another jurisdiction without any accountability; and
  • Require data collection, including mandatory body cameras and dashboard cameras.

Rep. Bera is a cosponsor of H.Res.988 - a resolution condemning all acts of police brutality, racial profiling, and the use of excessive and militarized force throughout the country. He is also a cosponsor of H.R.1636, the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys Act, to establish a commission within the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Office which will make recommendations to address disproportionate hardships black men and boys face that result in disparities in areas including education, health and criminal justice.