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An Economic Roadmap for Sacramento County

Representative Bera Votes to Send American Rescue Plan to President Bidens Desk for Signature Into Law

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Representative Ami Bera, M.D. (D-CA) released the following statement after voting for final passage of the American Rescue Plan, which now heads to President Biden's desk for signature into law."With over 500,000 lives lost, over 18 million Americans unemployed, and millions more hungry and without proper housing, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the crisis of our lifetimes," said…

Rep. Bera Votes to Pass American Rescue Plan, Deliver Urgent Relief to Sacramento County Families and Small Businesses

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Representative Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07) today voted for the American Rescue Plan to deliver urgent support for Sacramento County families and small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic."While the vaccination of millions of Americans and the steady decline in hospitalizations and deaths are welcome news, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put enormous strain on communities across the…

Rep. Bera Leads Letter to Protect Consumers from USPS Delays

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Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07) today sent a letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Kathy Kraninger urging the release of CFPB guidance for lenders and credit reporting agencies to protect consumers who pay their bills by mail and are being impacted by United States Postal Service (USPS) delays."Americans across the country rely on the Postal Service to pay for…

Rep. Bera Votes to Provide Urgent Relief to Frontline Health Care Workers and American Families

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Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07) voted today to provide urgently needed support for frontline health care workers, families, and small businesses. The Heroes Act, which passed the House of Representatives, would provide $900 million in relief funding for Sacramento County and $190 million to cities in CA-07 over the next two years."Our country is indebted to our brave frontline health…

Rep. Bera Statement on House Passage of Coronavirus Emergency Relief Bill

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Rep. Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan emergency relief package for American families and small businesses impacted by the novel coronavirus."As a doctor, I am proud to support this historic piece of legislation, which will bring urgent relief to American families and small businesses," said Rep. Bera. "Today's…

Rep. Bera votes to keep government open and funded

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Rep. Ami Bera, M.D. (CA-07) voted today for two appropriations packages to avoid a government shutdown and keep the government funded through FY2020."I'm pleased to vote to keep the government open and funded, while making strong investments in key priorities for American communities, including for California's 7th Congressional district," said Rep. Bera. "These bipartisan bills make…

Sacramento's Cap-to-Cap Kicks Off With Congressman Ami Bera

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FOX 40: This week local leaders are gathering in the nation's capital to tackle a whole number of issues. And we sent our very own Paul Robins to Washington DC for the 48th Annual Capitol to Capitol. He is live at the leadership breakfast at the Mayflower Hotel. Good morning, Paul, leave it to you to find breakfast first thing.Robins: Good morning ladies, this is a fantastic historic…

Rep. Ami Bera Condemns Trump Administration's Offshore Drilling Announcement

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Sacramento, CA – Congressman Ami Bera released the following statement condemning the Trump administration's offshore drilling announcement, opening the East and West coast to oil and gas drilling:"As kid who grew up enjoying our beautiful California beaches, this decision is a travesty. Instead of embracing energy sources that keep our air and water clean, President Trump is…

Rep. Ami Bera Accepts the International Franchise Association's 2017 Small Business Award

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Congressman Ami Bera accepted the International Franchise Association's (IFA) 2017 Franchise Small Business Award last week for his support of the small business community. Rep. Bera was recognized for championing local franchises and businesses, as well as his leadership on smart policies that promote economic growth and job creation. "Owning a small business is part of the American…