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Email update: Health care is about people's lives

Email update sent on Monday, April 1st, 2019

I sent an email update on Monday about how I'm opposing the Trump Administration's plan to gut the Affordable Care Act in federal court. Please join my email updates here so you don't miss any in the future!

Last week, President Trump's administration said they'd work to eliminate the entire Affordable Care Act in federal court.

As a doctor, I've sat with patients who have no health insurance. It's a horrible feeling when you're both desperately trying to figure out what to do. No one should have to go through that in America. Quality health care should available to all Americans, not a privilege.

That's why this decision is so disturbing. Eliminating the Affordable Care Act would mean throwing millions off their health insurance. Gutting protections for people with preexisting conditions. Skyrocketing costs.

I've long said the Affordable Care Act isn't perfect. We need to fix what isn't working and make it better, and there are areas where we could do so in a bipartisan way. But gutting the entire law – without a replacement – is wrong.

That's why I joined with my colleagues in the new House majority to introduce new legislation to protect people with preexisting conditions and lower costs.

We need real solutions - not partisan gimmicks - when it comes to health care. Please click here to see my plan to fix what isn't working in health care and make it better.

The new legislation that we introduced in the House last week will do the following:

Lower premiums and health care costs. Our bill strengthens tax credits that help people afford their insurance plans in individual marketplaces like Covered California.

• Protect people with preexisting conditions. Our legislation helps prevent the Trump Administration from further issuing waivers that let states and insurance companies undermine protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Stop insurance companies from selling junk plans. The Trump Administration has encouraged junk insurance plans that don't cover essential health services. Our plan stops them from doing so.

We should be fixing what isn't working and make it better. Sabotaging our health care system for partisan political reasons is wrong.

Instead of more partisan gimmicks, we need to focus on making a positive impact in people's lives. That's what Making Government Work for Sacramento County is all about. Please always feel free to contact me at any time to ask a question or share your views.

Be well,

Ami Bera, M.D.
Member of Congress